Sometimes there’s a light, sometimes not. There’s no standard – sometimes “on” is to the left, others it’s to the right.

Look for something like one of these sliders: Usually they’re above the top row of keys (between the top row of keys and the hinge to the lid), or on one of the sides (near things like the USB ports). They’re all in different places, so you’ll need to look around all of the surfaces and edges of your laptop to find yours. Older laptops tend to have a physical switch or a slider. With all laptops, though, you can also do it with a button or a slider switch – and sometimes when you do it that way, Windows can’t undo it. With Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, you can do that from inside Windows.

Like your mobile phone, tablet, or Kindle, your laptop will have an “Aeroplane mode” which turns off all radio communication – disabling things like WiFi and Bluetooth. If you’re somewhere that definitely has a WiFi network, and your laptop can’t see it, that’s almost certainly what’s happened. If you can’t get your laptop to ‘see’ any WiFi networks, or it can’t even see its WiFi adapter, you might have accidentally turned it off.