
Eu4 development cost reduction
Eu4 development cost reduction

This makes the dev cost increase very quickly to numbers much larger than the -20% dev cost one gets from economic ideas, and makes it very difficult to play decently tall. For each dev over 19, you'll pay another 3% per dev, and so on. For each dev over 9 dev, you pay 3% more. This is because of the increase in dev cost due to development. Reduced dev cost is almost worthless once you get reasonable large provinces. The dream every tall player (which I am not) of creating super high dev provinces is difficult and inefficient in this game. However, dev cost reduction has little to do here: since the base cost goes down, so does the efficiency of the dev cost modifier! -10% on a base cost of 35 (late game base cost) is a reduction of 3,5, which is nearly nothing! That's entirely due to the dev cost efficiency of technology, which reduces the base cost, which also means that your very high dev provinces (and low dev provinces) become very cheap. "But late game, my provinces stacked up with the dev cost reduction are extremely cheap?" Interesting point. So this modifier is best for empires with plenty of low dev provinces, and still have monarch points left to invest. On high dev provinces, the development cost reduction will barely matter, since the cost reduction is tied to the action, instead of the province.

eu4 development cost reduction

This sure is useful to develop low dev provinces, but not high dev provinces. The base cost, at game start, is 50, so you get a 5 points discount. However, it applies this discount on the base cost, and not the total cost. Why? Well, let look at what the modifier does: it reduces the dev cost by for example 10%. And yes, they're correct in a sense, but more importantly, there is a major problem: development cost isn't a tall play modifier! No, this modifier is best for empires between tall and wide.

eu4 development cost reduction

Many people would think: "Stack development cost modifiers! Use the dip and adm points to don't spend on conquest to develop your country!". The most important problem is that it's very difficult to keep up with development. Although tall play has been buffed lately, it still has many problems.

Eu4 development cost reduction